Ch Cambridge Gerry Lee's Sizzle

(Ch Cambridge Sundance Kid  X Gerry Lee's Mango Butter , UD)

# 8 Australian Terrier Bitch in 2008" 

"Sizzle"... that is exactly what she is. She just ate up the ring one BOB after another to her Championship, big thank you to Vicki and Chris Williams for that.  Who would have known we would fall in love with Australian Terriers, coming from Goldens? But Sizzle makes it easy. She is even tempered along with being an excellent example of the breed. What an exciting time we had, watching her in breed at Westminster. She was a bit too young when she went but go she did, and forever is a part of Australian Terrier history having shown at Westminster Kennel Club.

She made a terrific brood bitch,just loved her pups to no end.   She plays all the time with "Whitney" and tries to keep her in check since she is, after all, head gal in the Australian Terrier department at Jovi's!

We thank Gerry Lee for our Sizzy Wizzy Woozel.
Sizzle at Westminster
Fine Australian Terriers - Desert Hills, AZ  -     (623) 465-7245   
- Jovi's Australian Terriers
Jovi's Australian Terriers                   (623) 465-7245
          Australian Terriers - Arizona